Stunts Dos Manual
Stunts Dos Manual

The DOSBox Wiki explains where to find it in your system. It is a good idea, however, to adjust a few DOSBox settings in nf, the text file which stores its settings. The above covers the basics of getting Stunts to run. If the game does not run fluently after that, use Ctrl+F11 to lower the value gradually (by about 2000 each time) until it works right. Press Ctrl+F12 to raise that value to around 20000. It will display a number of cycles, something like 3000 cycles. To fix that, first look at the title bar of the DOSBox window. If you have not changed the default settings of DOSBox, you will soon notice that the game is sluggish. Open DOSBox and enter the following commands: Let's assume you already have installed DOSBox, that your Stunts directory is C:\Games\Stunts and that the main executable in your Stunts version is stunts_k.exe.

Stunts Dos Manual Stunts Dos Manual

For extra tips, or if problems arise, check the rest of the article.

Stunts Dos Manual

With a modern computer, it is likely that the following instructions will work straight away.

Stunts Dos Manual